
Welcome to the Blog about the Wonder of Cinema

  • Top Ten Romance Movies of All Time

    December 26, 2019 by

    One of the most common ways to discuss art is to rank it, and for what its worth I think it is a fairly simple and trouble free technique to at least start a conversation which has a possibility to go further detailed analysis. So without any further ado I present you with my list… Read more

  • Art and why it matters

    March 20, 2024 by

    As a cinema lover, I’m a person who can watch a particular film multiple times with the same kind of excitement and surprisingly each time it evokes a different emotion in me. However, I had never given a thought as to why I never get ‘bored’ of watching them over and over again until recently.… Read more

  • Greatest Modern Day Directors

    February 11, 2020 by

    The most important factor I consider before watching a movie is its director. Over the years their are many directors who have made me fall in love, with the art of film making. If I mention all those directors the list will go on forever, so I decided to limit my listing to modern day… Read more

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